<TEI> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title type="main">Rätoromanische Chrestomathie</title> <author> <persName> <surname>Decurtins</surname> <forename>Caspar</forename> </persName> </author> </titleStmt> <editionStmt> <edition>Digitalisierte Ausgabe</edition> </editionStmt> <extent> <measure type="pages">1</measure> </extent> <publicationStmt> <pubPlace>Köln</pubPlace> <publisher> <orgName>Sprachliche Informationsverarbeitung, Universität zu Köln</orgName> <email>buero@spinfo.uni-koeln.de</email> <address> <addrLine>Albertus-Magnus-Platz</addrLine> <addrLine>50923 Köln</addrLine> </address> </publisher> <availability> <licence target="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/de/"> <p>Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.</p> </licence> </availability> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <bibl>Decurtins, Caspar: Rätoromanische Chrestomathie</bibl> <biblFull> <titleStmt> <title level="m" type="main">Rätoromanische Chrestomathie</title> <author> <persName> <surname>Decurtins</surname> <forename>Caspar</forename> </persName> </author> </titleStmt> <editionStmt> <edition n="1"/> </editionStmt> <extent> <measure type="pages">7260</measure> </extent> <publicationStmt> <pubPlace>Erlangen</pubPlace> <publisher> <name>Vollmöller, Karl</name> </publisher> </publicationStmt> </biblFull> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <repository>Digizeitschriften.de</repository> </msIdentifier> <physDesc> <typeDesc> <p>Chrestomatie</p> </typeDesc> </physDesc> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc> <p>Dieses Werk wurde in XML/TEI P5 kodiert.</p> </encodingDesc> <profileDesc> <langUsage> <language>Rhaeto Romanic</language> </langUsage> <textClass></textClass> </profileDesc> </teiHeader> <text> <body> Landamma Zaccaria Pallioppi <lb/>
583 <lb/>
Pü nun resun' in dutscha armonia <lb/>
Il vers sonor e lam sco pür ovel; <lb/>
Fraid il cour net, sco dell' Elvezia mia <lb/>
Ils pürs vadrets, bütschos tres raz festel. <lb/>
Del operus il maun glatscho dvantaiva … … <lb/>
Süls fögls d' ün' ouvra grandiusa zuond, <lb/>
Chi da pisser sieu frunt da suolchs signaiva; <lb/>
Tar bgers amihs lascho hest led profuond, <lb/>
Sco cur ch' ün ais sulet sün estra riva <lb/>
E spraunz' ingüna aint in cour nun viva! <lb/>
Non sun quaists vers tuots üna testimonianza commoventa d' amur <lb/>
e veneraziun? Non fan els vibrar eir nel cour del lectur il sentimaint <lb/>
da pür respet e da gratitudine per l' instancabel cultivadur da nossa <lb/>
lingua? <lb/>
Eir mia lavur ha be il scopo da spordscher alla populaziun romantscha <lb/>
… qualche notizias biograficas da nos eminent poet e linguist, d' augmentar <lb/>
… il numer da quels, chi l' aman e 'l venereschan, e con que da quels, <lb/>
chi aman e cultivan nossa bella lingua materna. </body> </text></TEI>