<TEI> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title type="main">Rätoromanische Chrestomathie</title> <author> <persName> <surname>Decurtins</surname> <forename>Caspar</forename> </persName> </author> </titleStmt> <editionStmt> <edition>Digitalisierte Ausgabe</edition> </editionStmt> <extent> <measure type="pages">1</measure> </extent> <publicationStmt> <pubPlace>Köln</pubPlace> <publisher> <orgName>Sprachliche Informationsverarbeitung, Universität zu Köln</orgName> <email>buero@spinfo.uni-koeln.de</email> <address> <addrLine>Albertus-Magnus-Platz</addrLine> <addrLine>50923 Köln</addrLine> </address> </publisher> <availability> <licence target="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/de/"> <p>Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.</p> </licence> </availability> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <bibl>Decurtins, Caspar: Rätoromanische Chrestomathie</bibl> <biblFull> <titleStmt> <title level="m" type="main">Rätoromanische Chrestomathie</title> <author> <persName> <surname>Decurtins</surname> <forename>Caspar</forename> </persName> </author> </titleStmt> <editionStmt> <edition n="1"/> </editionStmt> <extent> <measure type="pages">7260</measure> </extent> <publicationStmt> <pubPlace>Erlangen</pubPlace> <publisher> <name>Vollmöller, Karl</name> </publisher> </publicationStmt> </biblFull> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <repository>Digizeitschriften.de</repository> </msIdentifier> <physDesc> <typeDesc> <p>Chrestomatie</p> </typeDesc> </physDesc> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc> <p>Dieses Werk wurde in XML/TEI P5 kodiert.</p> </encodingDesc> <profileDesc> <langUsage> <language>Rhaeto Romanic</language> </langUsage> <textClass></textClass> </profileDesc> </teiHeader> <text> <body> Plaunts 311 <lb/>
Et festina cun travalgia <lb/>
In sia vaira chias' ad' ir, <lb/>
Per mangiar qua la sia noza, <lb/>
Qual tot dschond, Et chiantond <lb/>
Cun dolur va in la fossa. <lb/>
11. Ma pür nan considerai <lb/>
Na vanitat da Pajans, <lb/>
La dolur tot passantai <lb/>
Sco chi desch' à Christians, <lb/>
S' eira voss Filg allegraivel. <lb/>
Ach quant bell Es eir quel <lb/>
In ils öls da Dieu plaschaivel. <lb/>
12. Oder forsa non savaivet <lb/>
Co chia Dieu quels l' am' il plü, <lb/>
Our d' il mond tant ingianaivel <lb/>
Fich festin' à tor in sü? <lb/>
El transporta d' ils pechiaders, <lb/>
Chia malitia Nun dazipa <lb/>
Las lur ormas ad' el chiaras. <lb/>
13. H' vesset gient plü löng qui viue <lb/>
Questa rösa bain s' florind! <lb/>
Ach cuvil ch' il Paradise <lb/>
Sia seis lö da pass contin <lb/>
Ingio ch' el sch' üna manzina <lb/>
Implantâ Allegrâ <lb/>
[p. 27] Vain da seis Deis zainza finne. <lb/>
14. Scha sco Orpheus vo podesset <lb/>
Tornentar in vitt' il mort, <lb/>
Eug non crai chia vo ma lessat <lb/>
L' tor davent da tant cufort, <lb/>
Manar our da tant' algrezchia, <lb/>
Qual' el giada Fich beada <lb/>
El' chiargiar danöf tristeza. <lb/>
15. O schi stimai pür beada <lb/>
Tanta sort da voss Filg chiar, <lb/>
Ch' el tot liber da contrada <lb/>
Viv' in tot' æternitat, <lb/>
Spær la fatscha da noss Deis, <lb/>
Be sco' ls Angels Sperts sco flamas <lb/>
Leds chi predgian il lad seis. </body> </text></TEI>